The 179 Morden Air Squadron cadets start another season on Monday when the first parade of the year will be held at the Access Event Centre from 7 p.m. to 9:15 p.m.

Around 14 new cadets have joined the program this year, making the total upwards of 50. Cadets are taught about aircraft, principles of flight, and survival skills while developing leadership and good citizenship habits. This year there something special planned for spring.

"We are planning on a spring break trip, possibly to the home of the Snowbirds," said Supply Officer, Rick Helps.

Helps teaches advanced classes in avionics to the higher level cadets, but says the people who join aren't often interested in becoming pilots or working in aviation. They are more interested in the other programs, like summer training, and the camaraderie with other cadets in their areas and meeting others across Canada.

The program is free to join for people ages 12 to 18 thanks to sponsorship by the Morden Legion, among others in the community. The cadets program is also supported by the Department of National Defense.