Communities in our region are busy prioritizing which projects they want to apply for funding under the new Investing in Canada Infrastructure program.

The provincial government plans to partner with the feds and municipalities on $3 billion dollars of infrastructure investments over the next ten years.

Projects over the next decade will focus on value for money and positive benefits that will promote four specific areas; sustainability, improve public spaces, mitigate climate-related events, enhance public transit and facilitate reconciliation initiatives for Manitoba’s diverse population, neighborhoods, and communities.

Altona mayor Al Friesen says the primary project on the town's list is the downtown drainage issue.

"This would be an opportunity for us to address the downtown drainage issue. We've had studies done ... and it's a $1.5 million project, more or less. It's a huge undertaking for which we have not had money for, but with this announcement, we think there's an area where it would fit into one of the four funding streams."

Moderate to heavy rain events in the past have caused significant flooding along second street northeast and on several residential properties in that area of town due to an undersized drainage system.

Friesen says partnering with the other levels of government makes this project financial doable but notes that applying for funding is an extensive process.

"There's real work involved and will need to get engineering studies and access that information. We've done a lot of that, but we need to find out if the work that we've done can be used for that purpose. There are some pretty extensive requirements that they have for projects. The deadlines for funding are in September, and we'll have the summer to put that information together."