Saturday, Oct. 29, muscled men and women pushed their bodies during a bench press fundraiser for the local Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) organization.

This year, $3,000 was raised from the participants and their sponsors.

A fundraiser was organized, the second of its kind, where people could drop by the Muscle Hut on Highway 32 to raise money for BBBS by collecting pledges. The person would then bench press as much weight as they chose, and for every repetition, money would accumulate. One man collected enough pledges so that each of his repetitions was worth $88. This man lifted 225 lbs nine times, that's $792.

"It [was] a good turn out," said Muscle Hut owner and training coach, Curtis Fox.

"The community's always willing to come out and support events like this, so that's huge."

Fox has recently started a kid fitness program where children can learn about healthy exercises and safe weight lifting.

The Muscle Hut held a similar event last year for another charity: the Boundary Trails Health Centre Foundation. $2,200 was raised and given to the palliative care ward at the hospital.