Much needed renovations at two local Bible camps are now able to be completed thanks to grants from Community Places.

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Galilee building at Roseau River Bible Camp will be seeing upgrades thanks to the Community Places grant.Red Rock Bible Camp Executive Director Kim Coursey says they have already completed their project, but the $20,000 grant will help cover the expenses incurred by the project.

"Our main lodge out at camp has a flat roof on it and it was in dire need of being replaced."

Roseau River Bible Camp Executive Director Duane Goertzen says the $10,000 grant they received will help with renovations in the main building washrooms and the washrooms in one of the four-plex buildings, which house seasonal staff.

"If we can put a nice facility together for some of the program directors and leaders that are here during the summer months, that really says something to them. [It says] that they're valued and it really plays down to all the rest of the camp because the campers, they see that the staff are treated well."

Both Goertzen and Coursey say they are thankful for the grants and excited about the improvements now able to be completed at the camp.