The Morris YFC is introducing new programs for the upcoming Fall and Winter months. Executive Director Jack Wiebe is excited about launching the a program from their God Talks, called Youth Alpha.

He says the program is designed to show the youth what it means to walk with God in your life,

“The kids need to know. Not many people are talking in a real way, sharing things. This is what this means, and this is why it's so important for me to share this with you, and hear the gospel in a relational way that's relevant to them. That's very exciting.”

The YFC Drop-In Centre will also continue to offer meals for youth, free of charge. The meals, however, don't come without their costs. Wiebe says the YFC will often buy the food necessary to make up the meals, but they also look for help,

“What we like to do is encourage small groups from churches or families to come and provide the meal and even stay and serve the meal.”

Wiebe adds that having volunteers provide and serve the meal helps to connect the youth with the community. Along with the meal, the centre offers spiritual messages and support.

In the last year, Morris YFC saw up to seventy different youth use the centre on any given week.