Salem Home in Winkler officially opened its new dining room on Wednesday. The project was funded by Triple E Canada to mark their 50th Anniversary.

Triple E shareholder Phil Ens says the decision to partner with Salem Home Foundation on the project was an easy one.

"We can never forget the need to respect grandparents and community members that gave us so many opportunities in life," Ens says. "And we want to give something back to them."

The new dining room for Maple North residents saw its first meal in early October. The 1,100 square foot space features natural light and a panoramic view, while providing a quiet place for residents to eat. The addition replaces the former dining room that was situated at a foot traffic hub, that could be distracting and noisy for residents trying to enjoy their meal.

"They were totally distracted while they were supposed to be eating," Salem CEO Sherry Janzen says.

Once the issue was identified, the project became a top priority, "because it was recognized the quality of life for the residents would be more impacted in the dining room than anywhere else," Janzen says.

It was then Triple E was approached about the need for the project.

"That's something so amazing about this community, you make people aware of the need and they respond," Special Projects Assistant Nancy Wiebe says.

"We are so blessed to have caring businesses like Triple E Canada," Salem Home Board Chair Raymond Grenier says, adding the patio space on the roof of the building will also allow residents a breath of fresh air in a safe, secure manner.

The Winkler MCC Community Assistance Centre also supplied new appliances for the dining room, including an oven, dishwasher and a fireplace.

Work began on the project earlier this April. Residents ate their first meal in the new dining room this October 5.

Residents, staff and supporters gathered on Wednesday in the new addition

The new patio on the roof of the dining room addition

A view of what the project looked like this Spring