A group of Plum Coulee citizens has been working to bring an outdoor recreational rink to the community.

Last fall the group purchased a rink from Winkler and hopes to begin groundwork this summer in order to have ice ready for winter.

However, before that can happen, group member Jeremy Thiessen, says they have fundraising to do.

"We're really hoping that the corporate community is going to partner with us in order to get that done. We currently need a little bit of money to get going on our foundation and our groundwork that needs to be done," Thiessen said. "We have applied to a few different grants, associations, foundations, and we're waiting to hear back from those."

The group recently received approval from the RM of Rhineland for a location of the facility, east of the current arena. Once the crop is removed from the site they hope to put together the rink, which measures to 80 feet by 200 feet.

During the off-season, Thiessen says the use of the space will be up to the community to decide; a sand base will be implemented to prepare for the possibility of beach volleyball or other activities.

Although Thiessen could not provide a budget number, he encourages community members to contact the municipality office or one of the members of the group to make a donation.

"We've had great support from the community already, lots of people stepping forward and getting behind the project," Thiessen said.

Related article: Local Group Wants To Build An Outdoor Rink In Plum Coulee