Manitoba Beef Producers (MBP) is welcoming the Government of Canada's and the Province of Manitoba's announcement of a combined $540 million in funding for needed flood protection measures for Lake Manitoba and Lake St. Martin.

“MBP has strongly sought and supported the construction of outlet channels at Lake Manitoba and Lake St. Martin. Producers in the Interlake, around Lake Manitoba and beyond have repeatedly sacrificed their valuable production land to protect their fellow Manitobans, and this has placed a heavy toll on our industry,” said MBP President Ben Fox. “The steep financial costs to producers, caused by flooding, has forced many to leave the industry.”

The group says repeated flooding and water management challenges have cost cattle producers income, and has limited Manitoba’s ability to expand its beef cattle herd.

MBP has lobbied on behalf of producers for years to improve flood protection measures, and is asking that producers be compensated for the loss of land and inefficiencies added to their operations due to the expropriation process.