Canadian Blood Services is facing a blood shortage as COVID-19 concerns have led many to cancel their donation appointments.

Individual and group cancellations can impact patients who need blood products to treat trauma and surgeries, though officials say they are able to shift products across the country to meet hospitals' needs.

Officials explain their clinics remain safe as they continue to adhere to strict protocols for screening donors and cleaning donation sites.

"Donating blood in Canada continues to be safe," Dr. Brent Roussin Manitoba's Chief Provincial Public Health Officer explains. "The need for blood is constant. It doesn't go away in a pandemic."

To ensure they can continue to meet the needs of Canadian patients, staff need everyone who is eligible and healthy to continue to book and honour their appointments to donate blood. You can download the GiveBlood app, call 1 888 2 DONATE (1-888-236-6283) or book now at