And who knew when we chatted about this story about week ago on the Morning Show it would end up becoming national news.

Remember the rogue pig in Altona that happened to take a noon hour stroll through town before being corralled by its owner at Altona Police? Well that Rogue Pig inspired Mrs. Jennifer Klippenstein's Grade 4 students at Rosenfeld Elementary School located about ten minutes north of Altona.

And what were some of those stories these young authors wrote? How about the fact Mrs. Bacon was simply on her way to pick up pig-children from school, at least according to Sarah.

Then there was Tereasa who explained Wilbur was her son, and they were simply going down town to pick up their minivan, and she had no idea the site of her and her son Wilbur would cause such a commotion, and “almost caused a fire because people drove into people's cars.”

And then there was the story of Porky Pig, and how he was trying to cross the road to get to West Pork Motors to buy a Camaro which he was going to use to take his piglets to stores and to Ecole West Pork School.

Needless to say, these Grade 4's have some pretty great imaginations! And we want to share all of their stories with you, so have a look below!