A local dog has gained internet celebrity status after making an unusual friend.

Rachel Howatt and Clinton Sibbick's husky, Koda, has gone viral after making friends with a buck in the wild.

Howatt explains their renegade husky went missing this winter for three days in the Pembina Valley south of Manitou. A few days later Koda returned to their country home, but every few days she would go missing for a few hours. Later, after a neighbour checked their hunting cameras, they were surprised to learn Koda had been sleeping and playing with a buck.

"It looks like they spent the entire day together," Howatt says. "It's amazing seeing a deer and a dog making friends, nevermind the camera was even able to catch it... it's very unique."

Since posting on social media the pictures have been shared over 13,000 times. "A lot of people have reached out to say how cool it was, a once-in-a-lifetime photo, they'll never see it again."

Now when Koda disappears for a few hours, Howatt says she can't help but imagine Koda visiting her deer friend.