The Morden Adult Education Centre (MAEC) has 49 students currently working for a Mature Manitoba High School Diploma. Of the 65 total students, the remaining 16 are going for an upgrade to add on top of their already received diplomas.

"So this year we've had 97 different people come in the door, but of course for adults, there are lots of things that get in the way. Some people we just never see again, some people end up having to drop out. Jobs usually come first, especially when people are trying to feed their families," says Kelly Vipond, Director and teacher at MAEC.

She says that statistically, the Pembina Valley has a significantly higher rate of adults without a high school diploma or post-secondary certification. This is roughly 4 percent higher than any other location in Manitoba.

"There's only two teachers and one E.A. and so we try to meet the need and be the jack-of-all-trades. It's challenging sometimes but we do the best with what we have, and we're gifted with a really great staff who's really passionate about what we do."

Much of this staffing struggle is due to a lack of proper funding. Vipond notes she sends many long letters letting the government know how important this program is to the area, but she is thankful for local support from Western School Division.

"They always rise to the occasion. I mean, our funding is pennies compared to what theirs is but they are just wonderful," she continues, "We were told by our funding agency that we are not allowed to use any government money towards celebrations like graduation . . . So Western School Division said 'absolutely we'll support you to do that.' So we try to be really financially responsible with that."

She says it is an important ceremony for the people who never thought they would make it to graduation, as well as their friends and families that have supported them through the process. This year they are hoping for 20 grads.

"We're just waiting for our funding to come through. Hopefully, we'll know something by April, and hopefully we are not getting any cuts or anything like that," she adds.