Seeing the numerous hours and dedication pay off with the development of a fruitful garden can be very fulfilling.Seeing the numerous hours and dedication pay off with the development of a fruitful garden can be very fulfilling.

Taking that passion for gardening Lenora Nicol visited Regional Connections to share gardening tips with the community. Nicol is an avid gardener and has gardening in her blood with her grandfather and mother being proficient gardeners as well.

Taking a Master Gardener course required her to volunteer time in her community. 

"As a Master Gardener, you have to have 40 hours a year of volunteer hours. I joined the horticulture here in town and of course, that keeps really me busy."

After retirement, Nicol approached Regional Connections to share her love of gardening and learn more about those new to the community. 

Valeria Semenova Integration Worker with Regional Connection shares this Gardening Club has helped immigrants connect to the community and create lasting friendships. 

"This is for our new immigrants to meet new people, learn some useful skills, learn how to grow vegetables for their own family, and practice their English."

Dora Kandt moved to Canada in 2011, she was an avid gardener in Germany and has had some good experiences gardening here in Canada.She explains due to the warmer and drier weather Manitoba is much better for growing. She was excited when she was able to grow massive tomatoes.

Kateryna Semenova enjoys flowers, explaining every summer she spends time in her garden filling it with colour.

The group meets several times a year to share tips on gardening and have created many new friendships.

The next meeting is on May 7. For more information contact Valeria at 204-325-4509 or