Local residents in the Dunstone Water System west of highway 432 may experience a decrease in water pressure today, as well as discoloured water.

The RM of Stanley Utilities department is conducting waterline flushing in the rural areas surrounding Morden.

RM representatives recommend residents refrain from using discoloured water for any purposes that require clean water, such as drinking, preparing food or doing laundry.

Residents are also advised not to drink discoloured water or use it for purposes such as preparing food, beverages or infant formula. However, staff members say drinking small amounts of discoloured water should not pose a health threat if accidentally consumed.

If experiencing discoloured water, residents are encouraged to turn on the cold water and let the water run for 5-10 minutes. If the water isn’t clear, turn off the tap, wait one hour and try again. If the problem persists, contact the RM of Stanley office at 204-325-4101 with your location and an operator will be notified.