As summer and thunderstorm season approaches it's a good time to prepare your family for potential disaster situations.

For the past eight years, the Southern Emergency Response Committee (SERC) continues to train and raise awareness on emergency preparedness for tornadoes and extended power outages.

This year, SERC is encouraging residents to prepare older adults in the case of an emergency.

"We're asking people start the discussion with parents and grandparents," SERC Emergency Coordinator Chris Kalansky says. "So everyone knows what your emergency plan is."

Older adults with medication needs or mobility issues must also be considered.

Kalansky notes everyone is expected to be able to take care of themselves for at least 72 hours as emergency responders tackle the potential situation.

An emergency plan and an emergency kit is a good start, equipped with basic supplies like water and first aid.

A common meeting point outside your home community is also suggested for extended family to assemble in case of a wide-reaching emergency or disaster.

As part of Emergency Preparedness Week, SERC will perform a test of the Outdoor Weather Warning Sirens in Winkler and Morden Friday, May 12 at noon. Morden and Stanley will be testing their Code RED early warning notification system as well.

Abe Suderman, former Winkler Fire Chief and SERC Emergency Coordinator Chris Kalansky