Reports of snowmobilers using the walking paths in Winkler have spurred a warning from the city's police chief.

Ryan Hunt says it appears sledders are using the path system to get out of the city and into the open country. There have also been reports of snowmobilers travelling too fast within the city.

"According to the City of Winkler bylaw snowmobiles are restricted to using the roads only (while making their way out of city limits) and to stay to the right-hand edge of the road," he explained. "The bylaw states that you can only travel up to 10 km/h per hour while on your snowmobile in city limits."

Hunt added that anyone operating a snowmobile within Winkler must also be 16 years old and hold a valid driver's license.

Meantime, the police chief says there have been some complaints of snowmobilers travelling through the city late at night. Hunt reminds riders that the bylaw states you cannot ride your snowmobile within city limits between midnight and 7 a.m. "You have to make sure you're home before midnight."

Hunt added Winkler's bylaws on snowmobiles do not apply to ATVs which he says are not allowed on local streets at any time.