The City of Winkler is hoping to see less derelict vehicles rusting away on private property.

"I don't think it's fair to your neighbour to have a messy yard when somebody else is trying to maintain and groom it in a way that's pleasing to the community," Winkler Mayor Martin Harder says.

City council is updating the by-law which defines a derelict vehicle, timelines to remove the vehicle, and fines.

"We hope this will solve our problem," Harder says.

An abandoned vehicle is considered a vehicle left in the open for at least 30 days, and derelict if not in operating condition and cannot meet safety standards. However, derelict vehicles may be stored on private property if the owner has applied for a permit to keep a covered derelict in the driveway. The permit is only valid for 60 days.

The by-law does provide a provision for derelict vehicles re-purposed for exhibit, such as those at the Parkside Pioneer Patch.Fines for storing a derelict vehicle without permit reach up to $300 per vehicle.