A 10 year old Morden boy who was flown to Children's Hospital in Winnipeg via STARS Air Ambulance earlier this year was able to give back to the crew that took care of him.
In February, Cohen Hildebrand, who was nine at the time, had a minor surgery to remove his tonsils and adenoids.  Two weeks later he had an artery rupture, causing a significant bleed.  He was then flown to Children's in Winnipeg by STARS, where he went into surgery immediately.
The experience left Cohen wanting to say thank you to the team that took him to Winnipeg.  To do that, Cohen and his family held a fundraiser for STARS and raised $2,585, more than double their goal.

"Because they saved my life, I thought we should donate back and help them so that they can help other kids like me," said Cohen when asked why he wanted to do this.

Original article about Cohen's story: "Young Boy Wishes To Give Back After Receiving Life-Saving Flight"