Today we had grade 8 student Xander Thiessen and grade 7 student Eliana Thiessen on the morning show. They're both from Plum Coulee School and are a part of the musical that the school is putting on called 'At the Bandstand!'

This is the first time Eliana has been a part of a play or musical.

"It's really fun, because you get to step out of what you normally do and have fun." Even though it's her musical debut, she says she doesn't really get nervous. 

Xander agreed but doesn't love the temperature on stage

"It's very warm, they never tell you how warm it is on stage."

'At the bandstand' is set in the '50's and both students showed up in costume, for Eliana it's not an outfit she'd usually wear.

"Not even maybe," she exclaimed, "the colour's not the worst, but seriously, who wears this," gesturing to her neck scarf.

Xander seemed a little more at home in his costume.

The whole school is involved in the performance, whether helping with lighting, sound, or painting the set. It's brought the whole school together and they'd love for you to come see the result of all that hard work.

"It's awesome. We've put an absolute boat load of work into this over the last 3 months. Just come, it's gonna be epic," shared Xander.

Plum Coulee presents the Grade 7 & 8 musical 'At the Bandstand!' on April 18 at 1:00 pm & 6:30 pm.