Left to right Winkler Fire Rescue Chief Garry Klassen; Fire Prevention Officer Phil Dueck


After 19 years with Winkler Fire Rescue, Phil Dueck's role changed recently when he took on the full-time Fire Prevention Officer position. Dueck recently left a ten year career as an EMS with Boundary Trails Ambulance, and has been in his new role for just over a month.

He tells us the job will see him conduct building fire inspections, and outreach programming to schools, businesses, and senior's groups.

Dueck had been doing fire inspections part-time on his days off prior to taking the Fire Prevention Officer position, and that played a role in him being drawn to the job. He really enjoys that part noting it's much different than being a first line responder, saying it's behind the scenes but just as important. Dueck says your goal is to prevent fires from even starting in the first place.

If you are interested in having a building inspection, or would like Dueck to come speak with you about fire prevention, give him a call at at 325-8151.


Judy Penner is also a new addition to the staff at Winkler Fire Rescue. She was brought on board about three months ago as an Office Administrator