Halloween evening is a busy time as families head out in their costumes for some trick-or-treating.

As always, there can be dangers that easily slip a child’s mind when they get mixed up in all of the fun, so the Morden Police Service has some tips.

"We just want to make people aware that they should be driving cautiously if on the streets," says Morden Police Chief Brad Neduzak.

With lots of people going door-to-door in dark costumes, it can be hard to know whether someone will run across the street without looking first.

"They can take steps to make sure they are seen by walking with a flashlight or wearing glow sticks, or something reflective that will bring attention to the motorists," he says.

Parents and guardians are also asked to stick close to the kids they're watching so they can monitor safe practices.

"To the kids out there, they should try to stick to the sidewalks when they're going from house to house as much as possible. I know they're very excited and will be running back and forth across the street," he notes.

Neduzak says that wherever possible, encourage children to stick to one side of the street and complete it before going to the other. This should minimize the time they're crossing the road where there aren't any crosswalks.

After children get home with their haul, it's also good for adults to go through the candy and make sure packages are still sealed.

"Some people still do make their own Halloween treats and hand out. We just ask that parents have a look at them and make sure they know where they're coming from."

He adds, they haven't had any issues with this is the past, but you can't be too careful when it comes to the safety of kids.