Work on installing a low pressure sewage system in the Altona Village could start as soon as this week.


The system will run into the Martin Friesen development west of highway 30, and the RM of Rhineland held a public meeting a number of weeks ago to determine how many residents were interested in hooking into it.  Reeve John Falk says opposition from some residents has forced council to change it's plan.

Falk adds the costs homeowners will incur was the reason behind the opposition.

He is hopeful some residents will change their minds and that there will be interest in the near future, noting at that time council will need to receive a formal request with a certain amount of signatures in order to make the project a go.  Falk adds there are a number of lots in the area that are less than two acres in size and the average lifetime of a septic field is around twenty-five years, which means hooking into the system will have to take place at some point in the future.



The Martin Friesen development, west of the Altona Village, will be hooked into the new low pressure sewage system in the area.