The dawn of a new school year always translates to an increase in student pedestrians and vehicles. 

Morden Police officers are anticipating busier days ahead as well.

"Streets will be busy with vehicles, but also with pedestrians, cyclists and scooters going to and coming from school," says Brad Neduzak, the city's Chief of Police. "We want to remind the drivers out there to be conscious of that and be aware of the different pedestrian crosswalks and students in general crossing at intersections, going to school and coming back. We ask that they just slow down, take some time, maybe take a few extra minutes leaving to their destinations and back, so that they're not in a rush. And a reminder of the 30 kilometer-an-hour school zones that start in September and run through June from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm."

These early days of September present a learning curve for everybody said Neduzak.

Drivers need to be conscious of students heading to and from school while students are reminded to follow rules of road as well, especially when navigating crosswalks.

"Use the sidewalks when they're going to school, coming back. Be courteous to the drivers as well. And the crosswalks. When they're activating the buttons for the lights - wait and make sure those drivers see them before they step off the curb. Try and make eye contact with the driver, take your time, make sure they see you before you step out."

Neduzak can't emphasize enough the importance of students ensuring that drivers actually see them before they step off the curb. 

"Drivers obviously be aware where these pedestrian crosswalks are and be prepared to stop."

Something else to watch for - those iconic yellow buses. 

"These buses will be stopping at various locations to pick up students and drop off students. When those lights are flashing, we need to come to a stop no less than 5 meters behind or when coming on to a school bus and remain stopped until the lights are shut off and that stop sign is put back in place. That's obviously to allow students to cross the street in front of the bus."

Motorists who fail to stop for school buses are subject to hefty fines plus demerits.  

Crossing guards play an important role getting kids to and from school safely. 

Neduzak asks motorists to be mindful of and courteous to the guards, obeying their directions when they step into traffic. 

With files from Ronny Guenther

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