This morning we gave you the list of the 25 most commonly used passwords.  If you have something on this list, it may be a good idea to change it.  Chuck and Vickie discussed the list.  Have a listen.  The full list is below.

1. password (unchanged) 2. 123456 (unchanged) 3. 12345678 (unchanged) 4. abc123 (up 1)

5. qwerty(down 1)

6. monkey (unchanged) 7. letmein (up 1) 8. dragon (up 2) 9. 111111 (up 3) 10. baseball (up 1)
11. iloveyou (up 2) 12. trustno1 (down 3) 13. 1234567 (down 6) 14. sunshine (up 1) 15. master (down 1)
16. 123123 (up 4) 17. welcome (new) 18. shadow (up 1) 19. ashley (down 3) 20. football (up 5)
21. jesus (new) 22. michael (up 2) 23. ninja (new) 24. mustang (new) 25. password1 (new)