Hundreds of nurses rallied outside of the Legislative Building in Winnipeg Thursday.

Donna McKenzie is the Vice President of the Manitoba Nurses Union and says they're fighting to have their voices heard regarding health care cuts, and violence and security.

McKenzie explains nearly 500 people came out to show their support for the union, adding it was great to have other health care unions join them. Nearly 70 people from Southern Health Santé Sud attended the rally as well.

"It's not just nurses affected by the cuts," says McKenzie. "It's the support services as well."

McKenzie explains the other big concern is violence and security, adding with the increase in meth-related psychosis in the province rural health care teams are becoming more vulnerable.

"The government hasn't released the cuts for the rural areas, but we know that it's coming, and we are just waiting to find out what will happen. We are vulnerable in the rural areas because lots of nurses are eligible to retire but are continuing to work. Staffing has been trimmed to the point that we are just barely keeping our heads above water."

McKenzie wants the public to know the health care system can't handle another cut, and that the nurses' union wants to give input because they know first hand there are efficiencies that could be created.