Lightning strike over Winkler. Submitted by Wes Ens.

A significant line of severe thunderstorms rolled through the Pembina Valley Tuesday evening dropping substantial rainfall in some areas, along with intense lightning and a few reports of hail. Below are the rainfall amounts we've received so far from our Rainwatchers:

Woodmore - 1.65 inches
Carman - 1.2 inches
Altona - 9/10
Emerson - 8/10
SE of Sanford - 7/10
N of Morden - 6/10  (with small amount of hail)
Manitou, St. Elizabeth - 6/10
Gnadenthal, Winkler - 1/2 inch
N of Horndean, Morden - 4/10

Reporters Bailey Hildebrand and Dantin Reimer were out yesterday evening and caught the thunderstorm on video.


The storm front approaches from the west. Submitted by Derek Heide.