So far, this school year has been unique for many. Especially unique for Prairie Crossroads School who is right in the middle of their very first year! Despite all the challenges, Principal Cyndie Wiebe says it's been a really good first year. Currently based out of the EMM Church in Morden, Prairie Crossroads has 33 students in grades K-8. Their information night and registration for next school year is coming up so we spoke with Cyndie about that and more.

First we asked her to recap the year...

What makes their school unique and some of the feedback from students and parents...

They have an information night the day before registration opens, Cyndie goes over what the night of January 26th will look like...

If you'd like to register your child for Prairie Crossroads School, Cyndie takes us through that process...

Thank you Cyndie!

Here's the link for Prairie Crossroads School's website!