Here local musician Rachel Ashely's story of bullying and how music saved her from depression.

She's channeled this into a Manitoba School Tour that has had a very positive reaction.  Click "read more" to see some of the testimonials from schools around the province.


“Thank you again for the work you are doing and sharing it with us.

Here are a few of my thoughts. Your message, marketed as an anti - bullying presentation was that and much more. Your medium of video, story, and song engaged our students, and increased their awareness of the need and their choice to treat each other with respect and kindness. More importantly, your "presence", in my opinion is the key to your message of personal empowerment. You take the often overused phrase of anti - bullying and transform it into a powerful mantra of resilience and hope. Who you have become in the face of personal attack, is the medium and the message, that holds the possibility to empower every one who come to "your presentation."

Thank you again”

Shaun Friesen, Principal


We recently had an amazing young lady come to our school, who is an upcoming star, Rachel Ashley. She would be wonderful for WE DAY 2013 in Winnipeg if they need another inspiring speaker. She is very inspiring with what she has gone through from her struggles with bullying. She writes her own songs and her approach and connection with the audience is instant. I knew the impact of the presentation was felt by the students by the discussion that followed with their peers and teachers. I strongly recommend her presentation to all schools. I thank Rachel for graciously coming to our schools and taking the time to spread POSITIVE WORDS to the students of Baldur and Glenboro Schools.

Tammy Ballingall, B.G.S./M.Ed.(Guidance & Counselling)
Guidance Counsellor/CTS




"It takes a lot of courage to go up in front of a group of students your
own age and talk about such a serious issue with such grace and

"The practicality of your message was striking. Telling the students to
avoid the negative and surround themselves with the positive, as well as
encouraging them to build up the confidence in themselves and seek only
the good in their life, was brilliant. The fact that you spoke about how
there will always be people that will bring you down and explained to the
students that they need to be able to believe in themselves and rise above
other people's opinions and actions, was exactly what students needed to
hear. They need to understand that they aren't walking away and letting
the bully win, but they are walking away from something that they do not
need in their lives, which ends up making them the real winners."

We are taking your message and incorporating it as part of our action plan when we have a student in need of support. So thank you for providing us with such a effective and simple message that all students can understand and relate to.

Your name will linger on in this school for a long time!

THANK YOU for being the most amazing example to
support this message...we may need to call it the Rachel Ashley plan!

I also had a grade 8 male student make the following comment to me the
next day: "That was a really good presentation yesterday. She said a lot
of cool stuff and I added her to my facebook when I got home."

You are a fantastic young lady who is changing the world whether
you are aware of it or not...afterall, it only takes one small act of kindness to make this world a better place and I think you have far surpassed this expectation.

Yours truly,

Kristel Prejet
Resource Teacher


“Your presentation was excellent! In discussions with the students
afterwards, they stated that they were shocked at how excessive the
bullying got for you. They said the pictures of your mouth really impacted
them and they could not believe that someone would do that to you. The way that you incorporated music into your story kept the students engaged and sent powerful messages to them. I have been recommending your presentation to all of my colleagues. I wish you all the best!”

Bobbie Earle, Principal