Municipality of Rhineland Council has etched out a plan for a pump house and reservoir upgrade at Gnadenthal.
Back in October, Council recruited the Manitoba Water Services Board to complete the facility's redesign, and Associate Engineering submitted a report for review. However, Reeve Don Wiebe says Council felt the initial proposal was too small, so planners were sent back to the drawing board.

"They came back with about a 550,000 litre storage, which about half the size of Plum Coulee's and a similar design to GNS East. So, we're looking at that and will put that on our strategic plan."

The GNS East reservoir south of AltonaThe GNS East reservoir south of Altona

The redesigned facility is estimated to cost $2.2 million, that's an increase from the initial estimate of $1.8 million. 

Wiebe hopes the Municipality will be able to get this done within the next five years. 

"We're noticing that ag use is intensifying. Whether it's for animal production or crop production, quality water is critical," he explained. "Of course, with ag you have the spring demand, and that peak is hard to compensate with a smaller reservoir. If we have a bigger reservoir, we can hit those peak demands and also, for population growth in the villages around there we have a more secure water supply."

Gnadenthal is also home to a raw water fill station but, no changes are slated for that facility, added Wiebe.