The Municipality of Rhineland has been given $355,925 through the federal-provincial Safe Restart Agreement to help offset unexpected costs brought on by COVID-19.

According to information provided by the Municipality, $40,000 has already been spent to cover added expenses incurred while operating the Gretna arena and the community centre and CJ Dyck Arena in Plum Coulee since the pandemic started earlier this year.

"We'll see where it goes. This will help in the interim," said Reeve Don Wiebe. "This will certainly help with those added costs that were not anticipated when we set the budget (for the year)."

Another $54,500 will be granted out to community organizations that have also been impacted.

Finally, $261,425 is being set aside for future COVID-19 related costs in 2021.

"We're not sure exactly when we're going to reopen...(and if so), can we even afford to," wondered Wiebe.