A storm that brought significant rainfall to parts of the Pembina Valley Tuesday has caused considerable damage to some RM of Stanley roads.

"There was three inches of rain plus. The water is running," said Reeve Morris Olafson. "We've had a tonne of roads that have had water run over the roads. Anybody out on the rural roads watch out. We are trying to mark everything that was done. Our crews are busy and are trying to get this all repaired."

Olafson went on to say there are a number of intersections that have been washed away and the ditches were at full capacity. He encourages everyone to be extra cautious when out on these roads at this time.

"Please be careful out there, and be mindful of our crews out there. They're busy at work, and we are going to try and get this done and back into shape as soon as we can," said Olafson.

According to Olafson road restoration will take weeks to complete, but it is the Municipality's goal to get it done as soon as possible.

Photo submitted by the RM of Stanley