As of March 17, 2020 evening, Salem Home is asking family, visitors, volunteers and non-medically necessary personal to no longer visit.

This decision is not an easy one to make, but we are following the recommendations made by Manitoba Health. While difficult to make, this decision is the best way to shield your loved one and other residents from becoming ill. 

We understand the implications of this decision and the different groups of people it affects, especially families.  We are working on developing methods of communication for families to use with the Care Area where their loved one lives. This will be communicated to families via the Resident Care Manager or Social Worker.

Unfortunately, we do not have timelines for how long this closure will be in place. Residents will miss the daily interactions with families, friends and volunteers, but we commit to finding ways for your loved one to have meaning and purpose throughout their day. 

We ask for your prayers and support during this exceptional time - for residents as their world has changed around them, for staff as they provide care even as they go through their own personal circumstances of finding child care, for the Governing Board and Leadership as decisions need to be made, often with limited information. Thank you for being part of our community - we are blessed because of you.