Spring is an exciting time of year when buds bloom, grass turns green, and farm animals grow their families. 

We were invited to the farm of Ben and Crystal Rempel to experience firsthand the joy that baby goats and other farm animals bring in this season of new beginnings. 

We asked Crystal Rempel what she loved most about spring on the farm, “We love having the babies and seeing them come along and preparing for them. Then the cuteness. I mean, it’s cuteness overload.” 

Baby goat.Rempel is sure to spend time with baby goats daily to keep them tame.

Baby goats are nothing new to the Rempel farm, having raised miniature pygmies for several years now. As the goats frolicked, spun, and hopped on their mom’s back in the distance, Rempel explained that her high school aged son and his friends anticipate the birth of the baby goats every year. “I tell my boys, just show a girl that you like a picture of you holding the goat, and you’ve got them”, Rempel laughs, “They are just so cute”. 

The Rempels share their farm with friends and family who wouldn’t normally have the opportunity to be in this setting, “I had my cousin's daughter over for the weekend, from Winnipeg.  Her Christmas present from my mother was a weekend on the farm when the babies come. And so, she was in her glory taking care of the goats... it was so fun to see her discovering what farm life is. What has become mundane for us, or it's just normal, it's just a whole new world for the next person.” 

Is your animal family growing? If so, please share your pictures with us on our Talk and text line at 204-331-2266 or send us your photos here. Photos will be posted below.