On May 25, 2024, the Legends Car Club demonstrated their commitment to supporting cancer patients through its annual Drive for Cancer and fundraiser BBQ, raising a combined total of $24,690 for the South Central Cancer Resource (SCCR). Despite challenging weather, these events showcased the group's generosity and spirit.

"We have lost members over the years, and we have some members at present who are dealing with cancer. It's near and dear to all of our hearts... as you get older, you sadly know more people who are dealing with cancer, and it's the fact that South Central Cancer Resource exists with no government money. It's all by donations... that money has to come from someplace, and we're just happy to do what we can," said Lyle Dunsmore Legends Car Club member and SCCR volunteer driver. 

The Drive for Cancer, kicked off from The Apartments at Gardens on Tenth in Altona. Participants, not discouraged by the rain, followed a revised route that took them from Altona to Morris, then to Winkler, and back to Altona. At each stop, pledges were collected, contributing to the fundraising total. The event ended with an early BBQ, providing a chance for participants and supporters to gather and celebrate their efforts.

"It has been quite successful... it's dear to my heart as I currently have cancer," said Brian Derksen, Legends Car Club member of 20 years.

This drive followed a successful BBQ fundraiser hosted by the Legends Car Club on May 18, 2024. Despite an initially rainy day, the event saw a great turnout, with community members coming together to support a worthy cause. The combined efforts of both events raised a significant amount for SCCR, demonstrating the strong community spirit and dedication to helping those affected by cancer.

"The important part to me is the fact that all the people that in the club went out and got their pledges, and that's what counts... in the end, we will still have the same amount of money, just won't drive as far to get it," said Dunsmore.

The funds raised will support SCCR's mission to provide essential resources and support to the region's cancer patients and their families.