Similar to other area municipalities, the Town of Morden raised concerns over police funding with officials from the Association of Manitoba Municipalities. The representatives were in Morden this week as part of an A.M.M. tour of its central district.

Councillor Maurice Butler tells us in 2010 the City of Winnipeg will receive funding for 120 officers, and Brandon will receive enough money for 12 officers. He says, based on that information which council received in 2009, Winnipeg is receiving funding for one officer for every 5,280 residents. Butler stresses Morden, winkler, and Altona are currently receiving nothing and that has to change.

He says as the community continues to grow, so does the potential for crime meaning protective services must be funded sufficiently to get the job done, something he tells us is becoming increasingly difficult to do.

Another issue discussed revolved around a shortage of staff in the provincial planning department.

The A.M.M. met with the RM of Macdonald, RM of Morris, Town of Gretna, Town of Altona, RM of Rhineland, Town of Plum Coulee, City of Winkler, Town of Morden, RM of Thompson, RM of Roland, RM of Stanley, RM of Portage la Prairie, and RM of Grey.