The Season of Giving Campaign wrapped up this week with a cheque presentation from Valley Fiber to Eden Foundation for $4,625. This presentation, added to the Season of Giving Campaign collection through community donations of $2,875, totalled $7,500.

Director Of Development for Eden Foundation, Earl Reimer, says these funds put together will be able to add to the work of bringing hope, health and healing to those on their mental health journey.

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Kehler added this cause is very personal for some.

"It's interesting, and sometimes humbling, to hear our staff talk about what they're going through with their kids, with themselves, and how families are interacting nowadays with some of the, I'm reluctant to say polarization, but just the the feel of what's in the community and what we're dealing with," explained Kehler.

The projects that are currently the focus of the Eden Foundation are going on in a few communities like the Eden East project in Steinbach, and to meet the increasing demand of the Recovery of Hope Program in Winnipeg.

Reimer shares where the funds will go in Winkler.

"Here in Winkler, we will continue to develop and refurbish Ens Courts. If you've had the chance to drive past Ens Courts over the past number of years, you'll have noted that there is significant improvements to the exterior, new amenities that have been added, and we're also continuing to refurbish and refurnish the interior, the number of apartments. We're expecting to do more of that this year as well, and we are extremely grateful to the community, both individual donors, as well as this corporate donation that we have received today."