Kaden Blair, student at W.C. Miller Collegiate, recently placed in the 25th percentile in a significant math contest. Mike Luptak, math teacher at W.C. Miller Collegiate says that the school is excited about this great achievement for Blair. 

“It's called the Waterloo Math Contest. It’s an annual contest ranging across all age groups through the high school level. People can access this across the world, and there's just such a huge number of people taking it at this point. It looks like it's 265,000 students over 80 different countries.” 

Luptak had several students enter the contest. 

“We have the results back from six of our students from Grade 9 through 11, but one of those six really went above and beyond, so they ranked in the top 25th percentile of all students, of all the competitors.” 

Luptak emphasizes the scope of this accomplishment. 

“We must remember all the students that are taking this are generally the top of the top students from every school [worldwide]. So, it's not that he just scored in the top 25% of a normal population, you're taking all the best of the best and putting him in that group. And now he's in the top quarter of that, which I think is pretty cool, especially with his first kick at the can on the competition.”