Very dry conditions throughout the region have kept Winkler Fire Department busy over the past week. 

Crews have responded to four grass/brush fires, the latest being a brush fire late Saturday afternoon northeast of Winkler at a property located on Road 14 North.

Fire chief, Richard Paetzold, says in all four situations crews were able to extinguish the flames before they reached any structures or other property of value.

"Three out of the four fires that we responded to were all started from burning barrels or pits that, because of the wind conditions, had blown some of the material out and started the grass of fire," he explained. The fourth fire was the result of gusty winds getting a hold of a controlled burn that got away on a property owner.

Paetzold added Sunday's minimal rainfall in the Winkler area did help quell the threat slightly, but says it will increase again if the warm, dry weather continues.

"In these types of conditions before green-up, it's very important, if you're going to burn, making sure that the wind is at a low speed and that you have a method of extinguishments. Again, don't leave (the fire) unattended," stressed the fire chief.

Paetzold reminds residents that use of burn barrels and other controlled burns are not permitted within the City of Winkler, only recreational fire pits are allowed.

Meantime, Sunday's slight rainfall allowed the department's fire danger meter to drop a level - from 2 to 1.

The gauge, located on the fire hall grounds and online, is updated everyday at 1 P.M., based on information provided by the Environment Canada weather station in Morden. Click here for details pertaining to each fire danger level.