Western School Division has submitted its five year capital plan to the Province, and it includes a number of significant projects. Superintendent Stephen Ross tells us the document can be thought of as a wishlist, and a way for the provincial government to plan for what may be on the horizon.

Based on enrolment projections, the division is requesting a new early years school for approval in 2014-15 with construction to follow after that. Ross notes that's their wish, and they don't always receive approval as quickly as they'd like, but they hope by having it on the plan early it will assist in having the school ready for when it's needed. He hopes the Province has learned from the struggles of Garden Valley School Division, and when enrolment projections are given that show a need, that needs to be met.

The plan also includes construction of four permanent classrooms at Morden Collegiate, as well as ten additional portables at the division's other schools.

Other projects included in the plan are addressing structural issues at Ecole Morden Middle School, as well as a major sewer line replacement at that building. Ross tells us a temporary wall project was done about five years ago to deal with the structural issues, but the division is hoping a permanent fix will be completed during the 2012 school year.

Ross talks about how the school board prioritizes projects within the capital plan.

Ross is hopeful the projects outlined in the capital plan will be approved noting the division provides the Province on a regular basis with its enrolment projections, as well as the changing demographics of the area.