Chuck Davidson, President, and CEO of the Manitoba Chamber of Commerce visited Altona last Thursday. The annual trip allowed for Davidson to touch base with the town's businesses, and to discuss successes and challenges within the community.

The summer tour started off with a trip to the Altona Mall and local strip mall, after which Davidson tweeted, “Business is booming in Altona. Good jobs, new businesses, available housing.”

A visit to Blue Sky Opportunities Inc. was also on the agenda, and General Manager Richard Neufeld showed off the brand new recycling building. Davidson was also able to provide the manager with contact information for various pant suppliers in the province, to help fill a need for donated jean and cotton pants for the weaving rug station at Blue Sky.

Up next was a tour of Conquest Manufacturing, where Davidson learned about the unique design and building quality of the operation.

Lastly, a visit to the Altona Motor Hotel took place. Davidson left feeling impressed with the recent renovations and the new owners' involvement with the town.

The Board of Directors for the Altona and District Chamber of Commerce used this visit as an opportunity to discuss issues such as the Manitoba Hydro fee increase and proposed federal carbon tax with Davidson.