It's the beginning of a new calendar year and that means a whole new year of resolutions! But this time we're going to stick to them! The trick is to not make them so complicated. They have to be achieveable, and the best way to do that is simplicity! Here's a small starter list of things to try and accomplish to make 2018 your best year yet!


1) Improve your fitness.

- This doesn't have to be as difficult as we make it. Small goals work the best. Plan a month and work from there. A lot of people get discouraged when they don't hit they're goals right away. Patience is key!


2) Read more!

- This is great because not only are you off the electronics, you get to be as creative as you want with whatever you are reading!


3) Learn something new. 

- This can be absolutely anything. Learn to play guitar, learn a new language, learn how to crochet. You'll gain a new skill and better yourself at the same time!


4) Sleep more. 

- Lot's of people will like this one! Who doesn't need a few extra hours of zzz's a week? It's very easy to do... Just go to bed, and you benefit both mentally and physically!


5) Think positively.

- There is so much negativity in the world, how about we bring some positivity to the table. It'll brighten up your day and rub off on those around you!

This can be just the start to a fantastic year for you and your loved ones!