Access Credit Union (ACU) raised over $66,000 for a unique mental health awareness program this week as part of their 2019 golf tournament.

Project 11 aims to provide mental health resources to teachers in the K-8 curriculum. Co-founder Craig Heisinger explains they impact over 30,000 students in Manitoba, providing an opportunity to express their feelings.

"Just because there's not a cast or a band-aid on how you're feeling doesn't mean you're not hurting," he says.

"Events like today with Access Credit Union certainly helps us with training because there's no charge for teachers' training... every little bit helps," Heisinger adds.

"In choosing Project 11, we evaluated proposals from four different organizations for the programs offered, geographical reach, and the impact on their communities served." Larry Davey, President and CEO of Access Credit Union, says. "All submissions were outstanding, but Project 11’s focus on proactively addressing mental health awareness with our young people and in our local schools aligned greatly with our commitment to the continued health and safety of everyone in our communities."

Project 11 is inspired and created in honour of #11, Rick Rypien, a former player of the Winnipeg Jets and Manitoba Moose. The Project 11 resources help support students with positive coping skills to promote mental health including Music and Rhythm practices, Indigenous Dancing, Mindful Moments and Art Energy.

ACU's Myrna Wiebe explains the programming is already in use across the region. "So it's important that we align the values of our credit union with the values of those beneficiaries and Project 11 reaches out to many of the communities we serve."

Wednesday's event was the 7th annual golf tournament.