Local retailers could benefit from eliminated restrictions on Sunday and holiday shopping, according to Jared Barnabe, president of the Altona and District Chamber of Commerce.

In a push to remove the province-wide parameters, the Manitoba government has introduced the Retail Business Hours of Operation Act which would no longer require retail businesses to close after 6 p.m. on those days. Rather, it would allow municipalities to pass by-laws if they want to keep certain restrictions within their jurisdiction. The one exception would be Remembrance Day which would not be affected by the legislation if passed.

Based on conversations he's had with local retailers, Barnabe feels this legislation would reduce some confusion around the specifics of the current restrictions and why some of the rules are in place.

"Whatever gives our businesses more opportunities to succeed is a great thing," he said. "And it still gives our municipalities, if our local people want to see restrictions based on anything, it's still a possibility, it will just be done by the municipality."

While he doesn't feel the elimination of restrictions would open any specific markets and make Altona-area retailers more competitive, Barnabe reiterated that giving business owners more opportunity to succeed is a good thing.

"I haven't heard of anything..., although it may come up now, if there's any restrictions that are actually hurting business, but there always can be," he said, adding sometimes it is when you introduce something new that people realize an appreciation for what was there previously or for the changes that were implemented.

"I think this will just spur some more discussion on what kind of opportunity there is and if they see there's enough value in it," added Barnabe.

The province would also make changes to the Liquor, Gaming, and Cannabis Control Act, which would allow municipalities flexibility to regulate the hours liquor or cannabis is sold.