So, this morning, CFAM Morning Show Co-host Michelle Sawatzky was VERY excited about a tip she got from Morning Show producer and co-host Zack Driedger. 

The tip, quite simply, is to help keep us warm as we sit around a fire... especially in winter. It is a well known fact that a fire will keep you warm from the front but even in summer, as the evening chill sets in, it can be difficult to keep the rest of your body warm. The solution: You shovel some of the burning embers from the bottom of the fire you're sitting around and you put those into the aluminum pie plate and just slide it under your chair... and honestly, the warmth is incredible!

It can increase your ability to sit around a fire and socialize by hours and Michelle experienced that first hand by being able to visit for 6 hours yesterday afternoon and into the evening! 

Included in the fireside was food of course, and the "Cinnamon and Sugar Crescent Rolls" that Michelle and her guests tried to roast over the fire while wrapped around sticks were moderately succesful --  with the inside never quite getting done, but another listening friend tried the same thing and found THIS solution: 

Sounds like some used frying pans and the "cage dough holder" will be on the shopping list today! 

Enjoy friends, family and the great outdoors!! We certainly have the weather to do it!