It's the final few weeks of the Boundary Trails Health Centre Foundation Donation Conversation. A good chunk of the money raised came from 50/50 Raffle tickets. The early bird prizes were given away before the holidays and the cash prize, on New Years Eve. 

We spoke with Shannon Samatte-Folkett and Ben Friesen just after they had presented the check to the 50/50 winners. They shared the totals raised as of January 5th, and if they expected to reach that mark...

Shannon was the one to call the early bird prize winners and Ben speaks on the final few weeks of the Donation Conversation...


Tina and John Bueckert are the 50/50 winners, taking home $19,272.50, the other half goes to the BTHC Foundation! 

Nicole Klassen gave them a call to ask about things like why they decided to buy tickets...

how they are going to spend the prize money...

and the biggest reason they support the BTHC Foundation...

You can continue to support the BTHC Foundation, click HERE to donate.