We received a special thank you note this week from our CFAM Radio 950 12 Days of Christmas Contest winners. You may recall, during the first half of December, we asked you to sing our version of the rewritten seasonal favourite, the 12 Days of Christmas. The lyrics were tweaked a little (actually a lot!), to highlight the prizes our business partners had provided for the contest. All you had to do was sing the song to the familiar tune.

Our grand prize winners were Jacinta and Rhinana Kuhl of the Stephenfield area, and they sent us the below message:

"Dear CFAM and all 12 days of Christmas business participants:

Thank you so much for your generosity and Christmas joy shared with us through the many amazing gifts you donated. We've been thoroughly enjoying the smoker and all the other lovely things!

-Jacinta and Rhiana"

Thank you for sharing the picture with us. We are so happy you have been enjoying the prizes, and enjoyed the fun of our 12 Days of Christmas Contest. We'll be sure to pass along your thanks to our sponsors, and everyone at the radio station.

Have a wonderful day... and if it's not too late... Merry Christmas, one more time!!!

Have a listen to the version they sang for us!