Winkler City Council is hopeful the data collected from a water quality study of the Dead Horse Creek will help them in the future when looking at wastewater management.

The City is providing $5,000 of in-kind support to the study.

The project wants to characterize the factors controlling the occurrence, levels, and fate of wastewater nutrients and organic micro pollutants to Dead Horse Creek and the Red River.

Mayor Martin Harder says the idea of a regional wastewater management strategy consisting of the City, Morden, and R.M. of Stanley continues to be discussed.

He notes the city's engineer has drafted some conceptual plans of what the wastewater treatment system could look like, featuring a reverse osmosis process similar similar to what will be used in Winkler's new potable water plant.

Harder says grey water would be discharged into lagoons, and the balance would be treated and then moved into wetlands.

The wetlands further enhance the water quality, and when the water is ready to be discharged into the Dead Horse Creek, Harder says it's practically drinking quality.

The regional wastewater strategy/facility will once again appear at the the next tri-council meeting scheduled for the end of April.

~ Tuesday, March 30th 2010 ~