Thank YOU from across Southern Manitoba who made the trip to Plum Coulee Tuesday for CFAM Radio 950's Drive Thru Farmer Appreciation Lunch.

It was a beautiful day, lots of sunshine and not too hot... and we really appreciate you taking the time to join us as we show our appreciation to the agricultural community of the Pembina Valley during a year that... it’s no secret... has been a challenge considering the dry conditions.

Also, a shout out to our friends at The Bunker for helping us cook up those delicious bagged burger meals, and all of our business partners who made the day possible.

And the big question on your mind... who is the grand prize winner of the Meridian GrainMax hopper bottom bin valued at nearly $20,000? The lucky farmer is David Martens who farms in the Kaleida area.

Morning Show Co-Host Chris Sumner gave David a call to share the news:

Check out the fun we had in the video and picture gallery below.