The Rhineland and Area Food Bank in Altona has been given a financial boost to help meet demand, thanks to the Employee-Directed Giving Program at Friesens Corp.

The program enables every employee to vote for a local organization they feel would benefit the most from Friesens' charitable giving. The number of votes directly affects the donation amount received by the organization.

In this latest round, employee-owners selected the Rhineland Area Food Bank, and a cheque was cut for $9,375.

"We are happy to acknowledge, celebrate and give financial support to the Food Bank for their important role in providing a helping hand to those experiencing hardship whether temporary or long-term," stated a Friesens news release.

“Unfortunately, the food bank remains an essential service in our community for many different types of families. We are grateful to the volunteers and we’re proud to be long-term donors," added CEO, Chad Friesen.

Friesens Corporation generously supports numerous initiatives at a local and national level, focusing on charities that our employee-owners are passionate about such as promoting literacy, education, health and safety, environmental concerns, raising cultural awareness, and helping out in many practical ways.