There is snow on the ground and with the first big winter storm of the season, kinesiologist and clinical exercise physiologist, Jen Hurrie, from the University of Manitoba has shared some great tips for keeping safe and eliminating pain caused by shoveling snow.

Hurrie explains “I think most of us have heard tips and tricks for shoveling show over the years but it is always good to have a little bit of a reminder… or perhaps shoveling snow was never an issue before but now you are dealing with back pain or things your weren’t dealing with in past years.” Hurrie gives us 8 steps to consider below:

1. Shovel – Purchase an ergonomically friendly shovel that is light in weight and curved through the shaft. Grip further down toward the scoop of the shovel to shorten the lifting lever, space your hands approx.1 foot apart to balance the load. This will transfer some of the work from you to the shovel.

2. Stretch & Warm-up – Warming up your muscles and stretching before heading out to shovel can help prepare the body and minimize injury. Shoveling is a full-body workout so try some squats, lunges, arm circles, and even some wall push-ups to get things moving.

3. Start Early – You don’t have to wait until the snow is finished falling. Taking a few inches off at a time will help minimize the load and ultimately make the task easier on your body.

4. Slow & Small – Take things slow, take breaks, tackles small sections at a time. Listen to your body and take breaks when you need to.

5. Strategy – Push the snow and avoid lifting and twisting as much as possible. Think about the winter ahead and star your piles further back from the edge of your driveway if possible so on future snowfalls you can continue to push instead of lifting heavy loads.

6. Support – Know your limits and when its time to call in support from friends, family or community.

7. Sip – Don’t forget to hydrate with water. The cold can trick you into thinking you are not thirsty but it is important to replenish fluids during physical tasks like shoveling.

8. Salt & Sand – Using some salt or sand on your walkways can minimize the need for constant shoveling and reduce the risk of slipping.

If you are feeling the effects of a good shoveling session afterwards, before you reach for a heat or ice, Hurrie says to consider why it is that you are sore. "it is likely normal that you'll feel a bit sore since your muscles are doing something they are not used to doing. You might want to consider a warm bath when you come in from shoveling as well as stretching those musicles out again you did before you went out. But if you are feeling sore due to muscle strain or accute injury...then you want to consider more ice".